Parents Cafe
Parents + Students Cafe
The Parents Cafe - open between 09:00- 10:00 and 18:00-19:30 - is a space for parents and students to meet with our trainers, partner schools, universities and corporate partners while socialising with other parents and enjoy some refreshments.
Parents Corner
Parents can sign-up to meet with our partners to learn more about what these organisations do and the opportunities that they can offer to your children, or just come and have a chat with a representative. Our SILC trainers can give you detailed information about the learning outcomes of the conference, as well as help you to gain the most for your child by following up on their experiences and skills that they develop throughout the day, and how to use your child’s Personal Learning Plan as a persistent tool for their development.
The Director of the SILC Academy will be giving a talk in the morning about the nature of the SILC Student Leadership Conference and the SILC philosophy. You will also be able to sign up for the optional digital follow up meeting with your child’s dedicated trainer and/or Head of Student Learning to provide your child with a more detailed evaluation and to assist them in assessing their progress towards their goals and setting new targets for themselves. Valet parking is provided for parents by the resort staff.